Learn Skill Of Blackboard Writing In Microteaching In 4 easy steps

Microteaching was developed by the undying educationist Dr. Dwight W. Allen and his team at Stanford as a skill development technique. It is a particular teaching skill, identified and demonstrated in a simulated environment with peers role-playing as students in a classroom setting. When the skill is documented, feedback is taken on the skill and it’s re-demonstrated. This process of demonstrating the skill and receiving Feedback continues until the identified skill has been mastered. 

Skills of Microteaching

There are a lot of skills that can be developed through the microteaching technique. 

1. Introduction Skill

2. Skill Of Probing Questions

3. Skill Of Explanation

4. Skill Of Stimulus Variation

5. Skill Of Blackboard Writing

6. Skill Of Achieving Closure

We will only focus on blackboard skills. But before we jump into the details of Blackboard skills in microteaching, it’s important to understand the importance of blackboard skills first.

Blackboard Writing

Blackboard, A powerful visual that helps effective instruction in the classroom. A blackboard is not only beneficial to learners because it provides them with a visual representation of a lesson but also helps teachers retain their students’ attention.

Blackboard Skill In Microteaching

Microteaching blackboard skills involves choosing a short topic, usually one that demonstrates the blackboard skillfully (for example, types of triangles). A short lesson plan is then developed on the topic, which is taught to a small class of peers role-playing as students for 7-10 minutes. As soon as the blackboard skill has been demonstrated, the mock classroom and supervisor provide feedback, followed by a re-demonstration in which the feedback is incorporated.

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Blackboard skill in microteaching gives clearness of perception and reinforces what’s being taught through proper visual presentation, through diagrams, notes, calculations, or other similar exercises. Blackboard teaching skills in microteaching are made up of 8 components. Let’s jump into the details of these components of microteaching blackboard skills.

Components of Skill of Blackboard Writing

It adds variety to a lesson and focuses learners’ attention on the key concepts. It is essential to understand and implement each component of the blackboard skill in microteaching in order to achieve this objective.

1. Legibility


  • The writing on a Blackboard must be clear.
  • You must write on a blackboard with Adequate, Spacing between the letters and a clear distinction between words and sentences.
  • The Writing must not be difficult to read and should be Legible.


  • To Grasp the student’s attention
  • To avoid miscommunication and confusion.
  • To encourage the students to develop handwriting


2. Size and Alignment


  • The size of the writing should be visible to the very last row of students.
  • The size Should be large enough to be comfortably seen.
  • Small letters must be smaller than capital letters and as nearly vertical as possible, without diverging from A-line.


  • The writing must be Comprehensible.
  • Uniformity in the size of small letters or capital letters makes it easier for students to understand.

3. Highlighting the Main points


  • The Important Points or Title of a lesson must be Highlighted such that they are easily identifiable.
  • You can do this by using different colored chalks or by underlining.
  • Do not overuse different colors or highlight them excessively.


  • Emphasizing the main points via highlighting allows for better retention.
  • It also reinforces the main points of the lesson and draws the attention of students to these main points.

4. Utilization of Space


  • Only relevant materials and points should be noted on a Blackboard.
  • Avoid overcrowding with unnecessary jargon on a Blackboard.


  • Utilization of blackboard space will allow for a decent board.
  • Mentioning the relevant points will focus student’s attention on those points and the material will be better retained.

5. Blackboard Summary


  • You should add a blackboard summary at the end of a lesson, which identifies the salient and important parts of the lesson.
  • Simplicity and Brevity are encouraged in the blackboard summary.


  • When the learner summarizes the main points of the lesson, he will find it easier to recall what has been taught.

6. Correctness


  • Use correct spelling and punctuation while writing on a blackboard.
  • Use proper English to balance the need to be concise and to the point. 


  • Incorrect language, grammar, and spelling reduce the learner’s attention toward the lesson. 
  • Incorrect punctuation can cause confusion among learners.

7. Position of a Teacher


  • A teacher must stand at an angle of 45 degrees from the Blackboard.
  • A Teacher should not stand in the center of the Blackboard.


  • Visibility is important
  • Standing at an angle of 45 degrees from the blackboard will allow both maintaining eye contact with learners and visibility.

8. Eye Contact With Pupils


  • Teachers must make eye contact with learners during the lessons and as much as possible while writing on the Blackboard.


  • Maintains Discipline.
  • Sustains Attention. 
  • Controls Interaction.

Once the lesson is completed, erase the writings on a blackboard because keeping clean everything is the best priority. Thank you so much for coming here. Must leave a comment below.

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